In the immediate aftermath of a collision with a large truck, tractor-trailer, or 18-wheeler, time is a factor. These types of collisions often have devastating consequences for those involved including serious injuries and potential fatalities. If you were involved in an accident involving a large truck, you need to seek medical attention first, and afterward, it is important that you speak to an experienced truck accident attorney who can help you seek fair and reasonable recovery for your injuries. You’ll be fighting against the statute of limitations, the decay of evidence, and the trucking company and their dedicated team of lawyers, so act quickly after your accident to protect your rights.
- Read more about Louisiana personal injury truck accident law.
When accidents happen, the pain and stress of being injured or losing a loved one can quickly become overwhelming for victims and their families. Cardone Law Firm understands the tragedy surrounding accidents involving large trucks and we have made it our mission to help families like yours. We have secured over $31 million in settlements and judgments for individuals after reckless drivers got behind the wheel of large trucks and changed their lives forever. Contact our firm for a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you fight for what you deserve. Phone Cardone at (504)-522-3333 today.
Statistics You Should Know
Semi-trucks and 18-wheelers can easily weigh 80,000 pounds when their trailers are fully loaded, and when these heavy vehicles are involved in collisions, the consequences can be devastating. In 2015, the most recent year that information has been published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 4,050 fatal accidents involving large semi-trucks, and 71 of these fatal crashes occurred in Louisiana. In 2016, 89 people lost their lives after their vehicles collided with a large truck.
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a total of 411,000 crashes involving large trucks were reported to the police in 2014. Unfortunately, roughly 82,000 of these accidents resulted in at least one nonfatal injury, and another 3,424 resulted in deaths. Regulations are in place to protect private and passenger drivers from commercial drivers, but every year, people continue to be killed or seriously injured by the negligent actions of workers operating these dangerous vehicles.
Why You Need Legal Representation
Truck companies are interested in protecting their profits at all times, and they will likely fight to diminish or deny your injury claim. They have the support of large insurance companies and they have attorneys at their side. To successfully hold these drivers and their companies responsible for the pain and suffering that was forced upon you, it may be necessary to file a personal injury claim against them. Although legal challenges are never easy, hiring an experienced law firm to handle your case can help ensure you have a fighting chance to secure what you are rightfully owed. This may include recovery for your medical bills, lost wages, and additional damages for your pain, suffering, and mental anguish. Don’t let the negligent actions of a trucking company cost you everything. Make sure to contact an attorney as soon as possible after the accident.
How These Accidents Happen
Frequently, large truck collisions happen when the driver does not see other vehicles on the road. Large commercial vehicles have several blind spots but the operators of these trucks are supposed to be highly-trained to detect obstacles in their surroundings. Human error is the leading cause of semi-truck accidents.
Time is a factor in successfully filing your claim. Don’t hesitate to contact our Louisiana car accident lawyers at Cardone Law Firm if you or a loved one have been injured in a collision with an 18-wheeler.
When you contact Cardone Law Firm for help, you can find peace in knowing that your case is being handled by a trustworthy team of passionate and experienced truck accident lawyers who are ready to fight on your behalf. If you have been injured in an accident with a large commercial vehicle, you shouldn’t be responsible for dealing with the costs alone. Call Cardone Law Firm now at 504-522-3333 to schedule your no-obligation, confidential consultation today.