Articles Tagged with Motorcycle accident


Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road. Accidents involving motorcycles often leave bikers with severe or fatal injuries. Due to these accidents’ frequent severity, motorcyclists have an especially high need for knowing how to go about getting all of the compensation that the law allows. That includes identifying all of the people and entities who were liable for your crash and obtaining judgments or settlements involving each of them. All of these processes, and outcomes, can be enhanced by putting the knowledge of an experienced Louisiana injury attorney on your side.

What do we mean by identifying all defendants? The case of a motorcyclist named D.N. is a good example. Reportedly, D.N. was traveling on a four-lane road in Alexandria. As D.N. passed by a local restaurant, T.D. was trying to exit that restaurant and enter the road in his pickup truck. With his vision allegedly obscured by another pickup truck parked on the public right-of-way at edge of the restaurant’s parking lot, T.D. proceeded with his turn. The two vehicles crashed. The impact was massive enough to total both vehicles and cause D.N. to suffer severe injuries.

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