Articles Posted in File Claims

fender benderMany people know the feeling of frustration when trying to obtain fair compensation for any bodily injury and property damage after getting into a car accident. Auto accidents happen every day to even the most cautious drivers, but are the victims of these accidents telling the truth? Or are they trying to finesse the insurance company?

Unfortunately, honest people often pay the price for those who are out to scam insurance companies. Liars, cheaters, and crooks have no business being plaintiffs in personal injury cases. Especially when there are individuals who are legitimately hurt and would like to pursue a genuine claim, not just get a quick check.

Today, it feels like you cannot go anywhere without hearing about Coronavirus. It is certainly filling everyone’s thoughts each day. There is so much that remains unknown, but during these times of doubt, the health and safety of our community is the top priority. coronoa

However, for some individuals, reality of the virus has already set in. Day after day, we watch the numbers of individuals being diagnosed with Coronavirus rapidly increase. Many families are also having to deal with death of loved ones as a result of this illness. Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, recently revealed that between 100,000 and 240,000 of our fellow American’s could die from COVID-19.


One of the most beneficial types of auto insurance coverage to have in Louisiana is uninsured motorist coverage. You can call on this coverage in your auto insurance policy when you are not at fault for the accident and have sustained damages caused by another driver who has no insurance, or whose insurance limits are insufficient to cover your damages.  You can also use your uninsured motorist coverage if you are the victim of a hit and run accident or if you are injured by a vehicle as a pedestrian. Uninsured motorist coverage and under-insured motorist coverage is the same thing in Louisiana, so if you have uninsured motorist coverage you also have under-insured motorist coverage. This type of coverage is abbreviated as “UM” or “UIM” insurance. Any claim made under this insurance is known as a nonfault claim.

Many people who are involved in auto accidents wonder how their health insurance may come into play if they need treatment, or, if they used their health insurance to pay for treatment relating to an auto accident what will happen to their medical bills. This blog entry will also discuss other avenues available under your auto insurance policy to recoup expenses paid toward medical bills relating to an auto accident. The purpose of this blog entry is to explain some of the basics relating to health insurance and auto accidents and the current state of affairs as they stand in Louisiana today.


The title of this blog is misleading because I don’t believe people can get more money for their auto accident without hiring an attorney. I am a prime example of this. When I just started my legal career (less than 6 months after being licensed), I was working at an insurance defense firm and I was involved in an auto accident that was not my fault. I only had minor soft tissue injuries. Being a young attorney, I was advised not to file a lawsuit since I only had minimal injuries, and if I did file a lawsuit, I was advised it may look bad since I would be suing insurance clients our law firm did business with at the time. I opted to not file a lawsuit, or hire a private attorney and I tried to handle my own claim individually and under the radar in the claims process, since after all – I was an attorney!

I’ve learned a lot since that time and I am going to share with you my true and real experiences and my unbiased advice.

The BP rig explosion caused the worst environmental disaster in U, S. history. While the Gulf of Mexico may be back according to most environmentalists, there are thousands of businesses along the Gulf Coast that have not been compensated for their losses.

Now, because of the settlement confected by and between all of the parties to the litigation that has ensued, there is a fund of money set aside to pay for economic business losses and you DON’T even have to prove that the spill caused those losses!! If you can show a drop in gross revenues in 2010 compared to 2011, you may be eligible for money compensation.

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